Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Daily post: Flip that tortilla

Do you feel the same comfort ahead than behind the scenes?
This is an easy question to answer, I feel more comfortable talking through the internet. I can assure that this is a common thing, cause theres a feeling of freedom in a way that you can say whatever you want without anybody telling you to shut up, or that we are wrong.
This is a topic that can be taken both ways cause if we search the internet we can run into good people and also bad people, this is how i describe it. There are people that just say what they want to say and not hurting anybody just giving their point of view about any subject, and in the other hand we have the ones we call cyberbullies, they are bad people that only spend their time making the others feel bad about yourself and because they are doing it via the internet they can be shown by anonimuous avatars, so they don’t show their faces nor names.
I consider myself like a good one because I’m only using this way of connection to the world to speak up and say whatever is on my mind any day, not trying and seeking for people to hurt them in any way, just talking about different subjects from my point of view. And why do I feel more comfortable? because I know i’m a really shy person and just like a lot out here are afraid of being judge by another one when you are talking face to face or that feeling of awkward silence in a conversation, I really hate that. So I use this platform to say what’s on my mind, not expecting any comments but if you have one i would be more than happy to receive it.

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