Thursday, October 30, 2014

what I've been doing lately

Well to start, I gotta say that I have started the university almost 3 months ago , and it have been amazing, thus is what i was meant to study since the beginning.
I know that I haven't been on lately, but I was adjusting to study again, cause when I finished high school I took a year and a half to travel,  and to know me better, tk discover knew things about me, and let me tell you, It was a good thing in a way, I wont tell a lot of things but it.
Now I've kind of figure out everything about studing and stuff, so I'm gonna start posting more since now, I am starting to look for topics, well themes that would be interesting to talk sbout, oh and also I have an account on polyvore: dearfahion-andreaaquije, you should go and see it I have a lot of sets that I think you would like it, and also I have discovered that I can post them in the blog so I'm posting them in here to. Also I forgot to tell you that I have an instagram and its dearfashion123
So this is all you'll hear from me soon ;)

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