Saturday, August 2, 2014

How to: Cara Delevingne makeup look

The first thing that we have to do is putting on our foundation and here i found an image that shows where do we have to put the highlighter, bronzer the blush.


Tips: if you want it to last a lot more than a couple of hours, you must put on first some primer

1. After applying primer, put on a coat of some really light shade in all the eyelid. ( this would make it easier for the other shadows to blend, and also it would make the colors look better)
2. Apply a brownish going to orange shade in the outer v, the crease and also the inner corner of the eye.
3. Now apply a little bit darker shade to the outer crease of the eye to add depth.
4. Use the shade of step 3 and mix it with the one of step 2 and take it to under the waterline.
5. Apply the darker brown to the outer v of the eye.
6. Put some black liner on the waterlines, and also put on some black mascara to the lashes.

These are the shades that i used:





Now we have to do our lips, as this makeup is sort of natural because it doesn't have any harsh colors or lines, we wanna keep our lips also as natural as possible;
Tip to make our lip color last longer: apply a little bit of it can be foundation or maybe primer. 
1. After applying foundation and let it dry a little bit put on some lip balm. 
2. Then just apply some kind of pinky really light shade. 
3. To finish just touch your lips with your fingers so it would blend with the foundation that we put earlier.