Monday, June 30, 2014

is your makeup making you look older?

This is not what we want our makeup to do, definitely not! we use use makeup to enhance some of our features of our face. So here i'm going to tell you some things that maybe we are doing wrong and it making us look older.

Try not to use foundation in your entire face, a lot of times , and i have seen this we don't choose the right color to march with our skins so i know our face would be in one color but when somebody is looking at you they would not only look at your face they would see your neck everything and they are gonna be in different colors, that would make you look bad, so if you don't have the right foundation just use it where you have a spots. In case you do find the right color you can look for one that have some kind of moisturizers this would make your skin look really alive and soft.

Too many powders is the worst thing you can do cause it makes your skin really really dry. We should only use a little bit of this product and only on the T zone of our face ( the most oily part) and it means the nose and forehead just that. It also causes wrinkles protrude.

Using a too dark blush is another mistake. Blush is just meant to make your cheeks look a little more alive and gives you that color that mens really like, but if you use a wrong color or maybe too dark it wont work nor look good in you, so be sure to use just the right amount and color.

And finally we should wear the type of makeup according to our age and were we are going  because that also make us look bad or good, sometimes, i know that we see somebody using a really dark and a totally pub type of makeup and because we like we think we can were it for any place but, that's not right we need to know were are we going and what is appropriate for the occasion.  

Sunday, June 29, 2014

A small closet?

The other day in the morning i was in a super rush and when i went to my closet to see what i was going to wear i literally couldn't find anything, it was a complete mess. It is just that some times it gets hard to keep it tidy when in my head it seems to be a really small place. So i started to look for some tips or something to help me fix my problem and this is what i found.

1. Color
The first thing i found is that one of the best ways to organize the clothes is by colors;  in my opinion is one of the easiest ways to do it because is pleasing at our view and it would make it easy in he morning to choose an outfit.

2. Lighting
 Sometimes our wardrobe can be a little dark; and this wont let us choose what we can wear, because it may change your mood and say mm i should wear something gray, and this happens because our mind associates the dark color with the clothes. Another problem is that it might not show to our eyes the real color of the items.

3. Somewhere to sit 
If you have enough place to have maybe a chair or anything really to seat would make the time of choosing your clothes better. for example you are in a rush and really stressed out, instead of standing in front of your closet you can have a seat and see your closet in that way, sitting,  would calm you down, so from that position you can look all your clothes but a little bit more comfortable.

4 Not enough room even for doors 
Maybe you don't have enough space for closet doors or you don't want it to have a door; a solution for this is to instead of having doors you can use curtains, you can use and choose between a million of fabrics and it would be the one you love.

5. Mood-board
I know sometimes we don't feel like dressing at all, ( it happens to me really often i can say) and i end up trying every single thing i own in one morning and then i am too tired or i'm going out that it doesn't even pass through my head to clean all the mess i made, and later  everything is still a mess when, so a way to avoid all of that is making some kind of a mood board, its a board made of cork, and in this you can print and place outfits that you like or color combinations, things like that so if you are in a rush you can look your mood board and search for a similar outfit in your closet.

6. Make it your own 
Sometimes it just seems like the problem is that is really small, but the real reason is that we just don't like it because it's the wrong color, or you don't like the racks you prefer drawers, so just change it, maybe it is a little bit more expensive to change the whole wardrobe but changing the color, or putting some mural paper in your favorite design, or making boxes with fun colors to put your socks, just small details would make it you like it a little more, and because you like it now you would make an effort to keep it clean and tidy

Monday, June 2, 2014

2014 trend: between sport and chic

A long of all the trends for this 2014, there is one that has catch my attention cause it is a way of looking somehow a little bit sporty but feminine and chic, all at the same time. 

This trend is "the jogger pant" or "track pants", we started to see this ones at the Givenchy and celine runways, among others.

At first sight you may think that they are a little to tomboy style or maybe that you cant pull out a stylish outfit this this pant, it is a really super easy thing; let me tell you how you can do it:

First we can start with a basic one; this is a black one made of cotton. you can pair it with a white strappy top, some black heels and a fit blazer ( it can be of any color if you stay with the black and white style) this should work for like a workish style.


But if you want to use it to go out and we somehow a little bit more i dont now how to say it but like a party style; lets use the same pant as before and we can pair it with a crop top i've chosen a cranberry color, a black fur jacket and the same shoes as before.

As you can see it's really easy to pull out an outfit with this pants, and that you can wear it for different situations, and you are going to look really chic feminine and effortless.